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Kutsuluento: Healthy musical identities and new virtuosities, Raymond MacDonald

17 marraskuun, 2023 klo 13.00 - 13.45

Edinburghin yliopiston musiikkipsykologian ja improvisaation professori Raymond MacDonald tarkastelee mistä terve musiikillinen identiteetti muodostuu ja mitä tämä tarkoittaa musiikkikasvatukselle.

Healthy musical identities and new virtuosities

This paper presents a new framework, New Musical Virtuosities, highlighting the development of healthy musical identities as an aim for music education. Previous accounts of musical virtuosity overemphasize instrumental mastery, and do not incorporate cultural and psychological variables that are crucially important for developing musical skills. The new framework includes social, creative, and technical virtuosities. The paper also proposes that participatory models of research and decolonisation agendas, which include all stakeholders involved in music education, are incorporated into future research. Healthy musical identities, integrating new musical virtuosities, can facilitate musical engagement across the life span. This presentation will also emphasise the importance of improvisation within educational contexts, showing how engaging with improvisation can help develop healthy musical identities.

Raymond MacDonald is Professor of Music Psychology and Improvisation at Edinburgh University. He has published over 100 articles and book chapters, co-edited five texts, including, Musical Identities (2002), Musical Communication (2005), Music Health and Wellbeing (2012), Musical Imaginations (2012), and The Handbook of Musial Identities (2017). He has also co-authored The Art of Becoming: How Group Improvisation Works (2021) and is also a saxophonist, composer and improviser who has recorded, toured and broadcast worldwide.



17 marraskuun, 2023
13.00 - 13.45


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